This Stretchy Black Pants Age

Every Wednesday morning I have to dress to go from volunteer tutoring in a school, directly to yoga class. No time to change. But… not a problem. Why? Because almost my entire wardrobe consists of black, stretchy pants. 

Some days are stretchy-mom-jean days, but most days I just choose a pair of stretchy black pants, (different weights for different seasons) and pair them with a (hopefully interesting) top. Except now in retirement, my top is usually just a tee and my same faithful black zip-up fleece.

I feel as if it doesn’t matter much what I wear because I am at that invisible age. You know, women of a certain age, the public eye glides right over and past us. I am reminded of my mom at this age saying with a certain amount of glee, “I could go and rob a bank right now and probably get away with it.” I get her point.

This got me thinking about what assumptions anyone looking at me might make. Some would be correct. Other things, they’d probably never guess.

Looking at me you would be correct to imagine:

-that I am a retired teacher

-who eats dinner early

-that evenings usually find me sitting watching TV, cat on lap

-yes, that long thing I am carrying mid weekday IS a yoga mat of course

-I am in a women’s book club

-I am slow to learn new tech, and I complain about it

-I do a bit of gardening, I love flowers, and 

-I am delighted to be a grandma.

Some things you might not imagine:

-I have been a rock climber, spelunker and modern dancer

-I studied the tai chi sword form

-I walk miles most weeks, in all weather

-I love to visit ancient sites, and have done so on four continents

-I have a very high tolerance for eccentricities and differences in others

-I blog

-I WILL eavesdrop on you in the coffee shop or wherever and might well use what you say in my writing

(Being invisible does have its advantages, heh heh.

Image source:

9 thoughts on “This Stretchy Black Pants Age

  1. So much truth in this post! I too have a drawer filled with black stretchy pants. I think the pandemic had something to do with the number of days I leave the house (except school days) in stretchy black pants. And, I am joined by a legion of other women — walking dogs, grocery shopping, visiting the library, stopping for coffee.

    I will think of you tonight as I sit on the couch watching tv!

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  2. I love the format of this slice! I may use that on another day. Such interesting facts about yourself in both lists! I do not have many stretchy pants, black or otherwise. I’m working on it. I do have jeans of many colors. (Right now I own 4 pairs of black jeans – two with details on them, gray, tan and a big stack of blue jeans. I want more colors!) Thanks for sharing!


  3. I, too, own many black pants, some stretchy, some not so much. I love the way you list at the end and your words about “the invisible age” resonate and make me sad. My mother rails against this so instead she is the angry old woman. I’m more introverted, so being invisible suits me to a degree – I’ve always loved black and I remember a colleague telling me that it’s a way to hide and not stand out, while, I on the other hand think it contains all of the mysteries you revealed about yourself – wonderful!!!

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    1. Thanks for all the thought you put into reading this. I am sorry your mother is angry about this but I do get it. I’m glad you and I don’t feel it as such a weight. I find it a bit liberating in fact. For example, I wouldn’t want to be a teenager again with all the self consciousness that goes with that age. And knowing you will wear black pants makes it quicker to get ready!

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  4. What a great idea — assumptions… love how you did this with the lists. I have been thinking about this invisible age thing lately … and I like how you end this… advantages indeed!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ha! Loved the last line. There are pros and cons to pretty much everything… invisibility included. Weirdly my mom and I were discussing just this morning how important it is to have the perfect pair of black leggings.

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  6. I love this theme of assumptions–of the things that others think that are just the tip of the iceberg of who you are. For me the pants I choose are all about the pockets. If they can’t adequately accommodate my phone, maybe some keys as well, I really don’t want to wear them. Comfort–yes. Pockets–a non-negotiable!

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  7. Ah, this is a great contrast and it sounds like you’re a bright combo of expected / unique! I love the idea of invisibility and am definitely feeling it as well as I grow older, and as with all things around aging, think it’s important to embrace it! Love the spirit of this post!

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