!Que Error!


We picked our daughter up at the airport and she greeted us in English and her friend, our houseguest who had arrived the night before from Honduras, in Spanish. I am proud of my daughter’s fluency in Spanish (she is a professional interpreter) and I just love listening to her speak. At one time she wanted to be a singer and I think she put that love of sound and cadence into learning the language. She is fluid and expressive, warm and engaging.


So for a few days we have our daughter back in our house as well as her friend.  When we are all together, my daughter is facilitating the conversation and all is easy. When we are entertaining our guest ourselves, my husband and I feel how our efforts at learning Spanish are still very, very inadequate.


Yesterday we were together in the car, chatting. I had asked my daughter to please correct my mistakes to help me learn, so I didn’t take offense when she reminded me that I was exchanging enseñar for aprender. Instead of saying I was working hard at learning I said I was working hard at teaching Spanish.  Embarrassing mistake; we laughed.

I was, however, just a little put out when my daughter followed by saying “Qué desastre!”

(Though I admit I WOULD be a disaster at teaching Spanish!)

Image from: https://montessori-academy.com/blog/spanish-for-kids/


6 thoughts on “!Que Error!

  1. You know, it’s these types of mistakes – and the recovery from them – that make the exchange program so beautiful. Everyone’s doing their best, and your slice is an important reminder. =)


  2. I applaud you trying to speak Spanish. I took Spanish for 5 years and can only utter a few simple phrases and even then my fluent friends correct me! But we have to make mistakes in order to learn, right?


  3. I like the transfer of learning the lilt of the language from a learner who loves music and singing. You are blessed to have your daughter home along with a friend so you can immerse yourself in the learning of the language for a little while. Enjoy the time together!

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