Change Your Point of View

No, I am not offering advice about relationships. I am trying to get playful, creative, and find writing inspiration. So here’s a list of ideas you or I might try, changing our point of view. 

Try writing-

What the tree outside your home has seen.

What the earth on the path feels.

What the breeze blowing across your landscape notices.

How your aged self will see today differently.

Fantasize if all the time you wasted this week were put to some wild, crazy use.

Where have your shoes been?

What might happen to that sweater after you give it away to GoodWill?

Do you have your grandmother’s old rolling pin? (Frying pan, colander…) What was she thinking and feeling as she used it in her life? As a young woman? As a middle aged woman?

What did that pineapple go through to get to your plate today? Coffee in your cup? 

The waitress who took your order- imagine her life, make a story.

What is the cat on your lap dreaming of?

Think of a piece of jewelry. What is its history before you? What might be its story after you?

What if you had to abandon your home today? What would you take? Where might you go? 

Imagine you are a honeybee in the Fall, finding the last few flowers then returning to the hive. Describe sights, smells, sounds.

What if you traded your gender for a different one? How would it change how you moved through your day, your work, your life decisions?

Imagine your ideal dream home. Draw it!

Take a story you like or a story you are writing and write a separate backstory of a minor character.

Write a poem from the perspective of a daffodil bulb underground.

Take a bird’s eye view, imagine from the point of view of a migrating bird or Monarch butterfly.

Your favorite mug- does it love you back?

What do you think? Do any of these ideas tempt you? I hope so, and I hope to try a few myself. 

There are lots of different versions of this cartoon; this image is from

6 thoughts on “Change Your Point of View

  1. Fran,
    Love that cartoon at the end. It’s certainly a commentary on point of view to add to your fun list, many of which remind me of Atticus telling Scout that we never really know someone until we walk atound in their shoes. Maybe we’d have fewer wars and treat our planet better if we did.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your ideas! I’m definitely going to write at least one backstory for minor characters in a “novel” I am “writing.” I’m doing for my own enjoyment and to stretch as a writer, hence the quotation marks.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Fran, what a fun post. I’m glad you came by today, even though you didn’t have anything to write about. I’ve definitely bookmarked this post, and will look forward to coming back to one or more of these fun, engaging ideas.


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