What One Little Word Will Guide You This Year?

It’s not sexy, or joyful, or spiritual. It’s not even inspiring. But I choose my “one little word” for this year to be- steady.

What are the meanings, the connotations? Balanced, consistent, stable, reliable, even, continuous. 

Rock steady. Keep a steady beat. “Going steady.” Steady as she goes. Slow and steady wins the race. Steady flow in plumbing.

Why is this an important word for me for this 2024 year? I have been doing a lot of thinking about structuring my priorities and my time. I have been working on building a number of good habits. I am working at improving – to become a better writer, artist, activist (small “a”, very small scale). 

There is little drama in my life and in my style. But I care about moving forward in many arenas. Hence, steady. Steady progress, steady growth. I will need to remind myself to note my progress, because steadiness is not flashy. But it is cumulative. And it is durable.

My computer file of writing for 2023 is 76 pages long. May 2024’s be longer. May I keep reaching out and connecting with my far-off grandchildren in many small ways, steadily. May I keep adding to my language-learning habits, (including new online classes) and gradually gain fluency.  May my physical exercise classes build a fit, balanced and strong me, given time and consistency. May I use more and more of my time fruitfully, steadily substituting volunteer work and art over too much unproductive screen time. May the child I tutor benefit from our steady habit of meeting twice a week. 

Like the water from a faucet, may my energy and contributions flow and flow.

Like the turtle in the race with the hare, may I use my way, my power, and feel the road moving under my feet.

Ready, steady, go.

Image from innovativept.net.

9 thoughts on “What One Little Word Will Guide You This Year?

  1. Fran,
    When I think of steady, my mind fixates on incrementalism, the idea of a little at a time, as you say, “steady as you go.” Lately I’ve lamented the rush mentality I observe, the inability of many to think and act w/ the long term in mind. I guess this is my way of embracing the word steady. It seems a perfect word in these turbulent times.


  2. Fran, I love that you chose “steady” for your one little word. I chose “settle.” I think your “steady” complements my “settle.” We’re not looking for something flashy, just something dependable and strong. Thank you for this post. Happy new year, new writing, new connections, new progress!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds like the perfect word to keep you moving toward your many goals. Sometimes the perfect word does not need to be sparkly- steady helps your changes to be sustainable!


  4. Fran, I love your word and I love how you wrote about ALL the many ways STEADY is used as a word. I know it will serve you well this year, a year where you are settling into your retirement chapter. I just read this essay in the NYTimes and the description of the “dart board” is sticking with me. I share as it may do the same for you as you hold steady and volunteer. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/01/opinion/israel-war-empathy-pain.html

    Happy New Year!!! I’m looking forward to writing LOTS with you this year!


  5. At my new age, “steady” is sexy, joyful, and spiritual! Steady = reliable. The sure thing. The joy is in being dependable. It’s a strong word. Strong is sexy.


  6. “…note my progress, because steadiness is not flashy. But it is cumulative. And it is durable.” Here’s to what consistent application of energy, mind and heart, shall bring you in 2024. Small steps, but steps nonetheless. I love the reference to that infamous tortoise/hare battle. And your use of cumulative… that’s a life well-lived, day by committed day.


  7. I am a fifth grade English teacher. Each January, I have my students choose their “one word.” I opened your blog post yesterday. Talk about timing! I read this out loud to my two writing classes today. The students loved the faucet and hare similes and began to understand more fully the purpose of their one word. Thanks for this terrific addition to my teaching. As I released them to go write, we all said, “ready, steady, go!”

    Liked by 1 person

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