Struck by Joy

Yesterday, in my car stopped at a red light, I watched a mother and three young children on the street corner. All masked, they stood waiting for their turn to cross. I was struck with a sudden gust of grief, thinking of young children growing up masked, seeing few, avoiding hugs, and who will be going to school this year either via the internet or behind plexiglass at separate desks in quiet, distanced, newly antiseptic school.

Today I was struck by joy. I watched an information session that answered some of my questions about opening virtual learning in two weeks, my daughter gave me an impromptu hug from behind, on the kitchen counter the colander of green string beans and bright red cherry tomatoes from my morning in the garden caught my eye, there is a soft rain falling outside my porch screen, and suddenly I was struck by joy.

My masked grandchildren, enjoying new sunglasses!

5 thoughts on “Struck by Joy

  1. Your detailed slice reminds me how especially during this time, my emotions also turn so quicky from grief to joy. Your list of what brings you joy inspires. Thanks for sharing. Love the grandkid photo, too!! Such fun sunglassess!!!

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